Posted August 5, 2024 at 10:01 am

A quick update so you know what's happenin' here at ye olde Atomic Robo HQ.


All inventory arrived at the new warehouse where they have been preparing and organizing everything to get us back in biz. They offered to make it "back in biznasty" but we were like, no guys, don't hurt yourselves. Currently, we expect the new online store to go live in September. For folks who completed their Pledge Manager surveys after everything was packed up to move to the new warehouse, your rewards will start to go out at that time as well.


Meanwhile, Scott has been churning out new pages like a beast! We are on track to begin releasing all new comics online in September. We knew when it began in 2023 that this would be the longest hiatus of our career. And, with any luck, that'll be true forever. Thank you so much for the patience and kindness you have extended to us. We can't wait to show you what we've been cooking up.


If you want something to read right now, check out our Patreon where every week I post a new chapter from the novel I'm working on. It is a bold work exploiting two of the most popular public domain works from the 1890s. Yes, that's right, it's War of the Worlds, only the germs don't stop them — DRACULA DOES!

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