Posted December 9, 2015 at 02:35 pm

I have some very important news for you if you're the kind of person who likes to throw money at things you enjoy reading.

You can get Atomic Robo and the Ring of Fire #4 at your local comic book shop right now. This instant! It's there! On a shelf and near other IDW titles I bet. In any case it's looking quite handsome, though not so handsome as it would look in your grubby little hands (wash them before you go out, good lord).

But that ain't all. It's also available at comiXology via this here link.

For a free preview of the issue, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh don't be stupid.

Posted November 19, 2015 at 10:30 am

Remember when the good folks at IDW Publishing brought you the Everything Explodes collection consisting of the first three volumes of Atomic Robo? Well, they went and did it again. But different. This time it's the Crystals Are Integral collection consisting of the fourth, fifth, and sixth volumes.

It comes out in February of 2016 but you can pre-order it right now and I suggest that you do. Try your local shop with Diamond Code DEC150521 or Amazon if'n you ain't got one of those.

Posted November 5, 2015 at 11:23 am

All right, boys and girls. If you are anything like within reach of Durham NC then you absolutely must, I say must, attend the North Carolina Comicon. It's November 13th through the 15th. I've attended this show at every opportunity, and let me tell ya something.

It's a not-so-secret within this industry that the best shows from the perspective of creators are Emerald City Comicon out in Seattle and North Carolina's HeroesCon. The crowds are friendly and enthusiastic, the staff are great, the eats around the conventions are top notch. There's just something about the energy at these shows. They manage to be big enough to attract a wide array of mainstream and independent creators, but small enough to feel cozy. They create a sort of feedback loop between a happy crowd eager to discover new comics and a bunch of hucksters behind tables trying to ply their wares. These shows make that crass and commercial enterprise feel like a celebration of the form.

I feel that same energy from NCComicon. It's been a joy to see it grow every year and to watch more people, fans and creators alike, discover this hidden gem. Pre-order your tickets today and be a part of it.

We'll be there with Atomic Robo comics and omnibuses and some trade paperbacks. Drop on by and say hello!

Posted October 26, 2015 at 11:20 am

B-Clev comin' at you with yet more Atomic Robo comic book action thanks to our pact with IDW Publishing. Contracts are so 20th century. You want something done right, you get it written in blood and sacred geometries.

First up, we've got Atomic Robo and the Ring of Fire #3 (SEP150416) You should pre-order this guy from your local shop right now because it comes out November 4th, which is right around the corner! If you don't have a local shop, we suggest ordering online from Midtown Comics.

Next up Atomic Robo and the Ring of Fire #4 (OCT150422) is coming at you in December.

And then there's Atomic Robo and the Ring of Fire #5 (NOV150452) concluding all this craziness in January. You guys ain't seen the cover for this one yet, so here it is!

Whaaaaat is up with up with that skull robot thing?! Gotta read to find out.

Posted October 16, 2015 at 11:46 am

In case you didn't get to see enough of our pretty faces when we were signing things for you over at Velocity Comics, we are doing another appearance in the great metrop of Richmond. Check it.

It's a free show and all ages are welcome. Come on down, say howdy, and support the local artsy talent folks! Here's Swink/Swim's website and some more info about the when/where of the show!

Posted October 2, 2015 at 11:30 am

Atomic Robo and the Ring of Fire #2 comes out next week, that's Wednesday, Oct 7th for the calendar imparied, so we're celebrating with the good folks at Velocity Comics with an old fashioned signing.

Yeah, who needs NYCC? Not the good people of Richmond, Virgina! Because they've got Brian Clevinger and Scott Wegener signing books at Velocity Comics on Friday, October 9th, from 5 to 7pm.



We'll have copies of Ring of Fire #1 and #2 on hand in case you screwed up and didn't grab the first one already but you want them both signed. We should have some Omnibuseseses too.

Drop on by, say howdy, buy some comics, let us sign a few of them, and laugh at our jokes or else. Hope to see you there!


Posted September 18, 2015 at 11:05 am

Y'know what you guys should do? Pre-order Atomic Robo and the Ring of Fire #4. Also the second and third issues.

You can get these at your local shop.

Or wait for them to come out on comiXology.

Here's the cover for issue #4, why not.

Writer: Brian Clevinger  |  Artist: Scott Wegener  |  Variant Cover by Tessa Stone

Is Atomic Robo now a communist? We have some literature we'd like for you to read about the oppression we all face from the bourgeois capitalist pig-dogs. Buy our book to find out more!

Regular edition is Diamond Code OCT150422.

Variant cover is Diamond Code OCT150423.

Posted September 14, 2015 at 02:00 pm


We're starting up the third chapter of Atomic Robo and the Ring of Fire today. Catch up by reading RoF from the first chapter. Or the second. Things are getting crazy, but oh my goodness, they're gonna get so much crazier!

How would you like to have a letter printed in the back of an upcoming issue of Atomic Robo and the Ring of Fire brought to you by the fine folks at IDW Pubishing?

You'd like it a whole dang lot!

So, here's what you do. Email with your questions or comments or burning hot praise. And then hope you are among the elite selected for survival. I mean publication.


Posted September 3, 2015 at 11:20 am

Hey, guys and gals.

Have you been enjoying Atomic Robo and the Ring of Fire? Yes, yes you have.


Good. That's good. Because the fine folks at IDW continue to put ARROF into printed comic book pages. The very first one comes out NEXT WEDNESDAY September 9th whaaaaaaaaat.

The second issue is currently available for pre-order. But not for much longer so get on that! And while you're getting on that also get on this: the third issue is now available for pre-order aaaaaaaah!

Head to your local shop and let them know you want Atomic Robo and the Ring of Fire #3 (also #1 and #2, duh).

The order code for #3 is SEP150416. And it looks like this:

Or you could get the special variant cover by Andrew MacLean. That one is order code SEP150417. And it looks like this:

But that ain't all.

We've got the EVERYTHING EXPLODES collection coming at at you on September 24th. That will contain the first three series of Atomic Robo in one handsome softcover volume. How can you possibly resist it?

You can't! Look at this thing.

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