Posted June 4, 2015 at 10:31 am

Our Kickstarter ends Friday at 5pm, so we're nearly at that magical moment when I finally shut the hell up about it. We've got the final(?) batch of stretch goals, but first I wanted to share the latest freebie bonus postcard with you guys. This one is from our long time friend Jim Zub whom I always type out as Jib because I'm racing to get that last name.

Jib did a nice process post about the whole thing and you can read Skullkickers online.

Wanna see some new stretch goals? YEAH YOU DO SHUT UP.

Another volume of Real Science Adventures for everyone at $175k and an animated Atomic Robo short by some cool people at $200k. These are truly the stretchiest of stretch goals, but we can do it!

Posted June 2, 2015 at 11:10 am

Yeah, that's right. We're throwing most postcards from fictional spaces at you. This one is from our friend and yours, if you are a robot, J. N. Wiedle who draws skelingtons or something.

Good news! We're in the final days of the campaign, so we'll shut up about it soon. But not yet!

We're gonna cap off the campaign with a Fancy Live Draw starting Friday, June 5th, starting at 3pm Eastern. We'll keep that going to the end of the campaign at 5pm. Scott will be drawing, uh, something. A new page? A new cover? Monster designs? Join us and find out. We'll post the details Friday here on the blog, on Kickstarter, Patreon, Twitter, pretty much everywhere that matters.

Posted June 1, 2015 at 02:23 pm

Big update on the ol' Kickstarter today. You can read the details here or stay tuned for the TL;DR version below.

First, we're revealing two more postcards. The first one is from Kory Bing of Skin Deep.

The next is by Lo Baker of Aquapunk.

Since we're so close to the next stretch goal, we figured: what the hell, let's share the one after that with everyone. 

That's right. A fourth volume of Real Science Adventures. We've got a batch of stories in mind, but we'll let our backers vote on which one we'll do. But that's only if we break $150k by June 5th. That's this Friday whaaaaaaat!

And don't forget, there's new tiers available to turn YOU (or a friend) into an Action Scientist featured on the official Tesladyne corporate website. Or to get the original art of Dr. Dinosaur's rejected weird doom monster designs. Go, go, go!

Posted May 28, 2015 at 10:03 am

We revealed the deluxe bookplate in our latest update. This is a special one-of-a-kind bonus going to any backer who grabs all nine hardcovers. Behold!

Click that guy for more details, a process post, and a lot of needless ranting. 

Meanwhile. You pushed us over $120k. Jerks! Now I've got even more work to do because we're committed to delivering an all-new volume of Real Science Adventures about the early days of The Flying She-Devils of the Pacific.

It won't be an origin story. That's boring. They found each other. It will be the story of their first big heist/caper. Similarly, The Deadly Art of Science wasn't Robo's origin either, but it was his first big adventure. And we all got a kick out of that.

What's next? Let's take a look!

Why do I keep agreeing to stretch goals that make me work more and give away our books? I must be an idiot. Punish me with dollars.

Lastly, our good friend, Phil "Yelling Guest Star" Broughton, is selling more of his weird super coffee. That alone isn't newsworthy, but he's added to the pile of Atomic Robo branded weird super coffee with Dr. Dinosaur.

Posted May 25, 2015 at 12:37 pm

The first page of our second mini-prologue starts today. It stars a gal you've seen before. So, yes, that means our first mini-prologue concluded over the weekend because we're crazy enough to update seven days a week now. Maybe you missed a page, I dunno, so start at the beginning just in case.

The Kickstarter is still forging ahead. We've got some cool reveals for you today.

I'd like to reveal the first of our guest postcards. These are included in a bunch of our reward tiers as free bonuses because we love you(r money).

Tessa Stone (of Twitter and Tumblr) was kind enough to hit us up with this little number.

And we revealed the $120,000 stretch goal: a new volume of Real Science Adventures. Ninety-six pages, probably starring The Flying She-Devils of the Pacific. All backers will get it in PDF. Don't worry, the rest of you slobs will get to read it online eventually.

You've got until next Thursday, June 5th to get on that action.


Posted May 20, 2015 at 10:03 am

Scott did us the favor of talking through the design process behind the new cover for Dogs of War.

Now that you've cracked the $100k barrier, there's a stack of great stretch goals looming ahead. But for right now, we're staring down the barrel of $110k. At that level, all physical orders are getting another sticker and we'll put two more SECRET FILES OF DR. DINOSAUR in every single volume. That brings it up to six pages per book for a total of fifty-four pages of total sanity.

Crap. I gotta start writing these things!

Damn you. Damn you all.


Posted May 18, 2015 at 10:03 am

And we're off!

Atomic Robo and the Ring of Fire started yesterday. We went back and forth on what our new update schedule should be, and here's how it breaks down.

Three pages a week was too slow. It'd take, like, 8 or 9 months for us to publish a single volume online. No fun. Four pages per week would quickly overtake our production and we'd have to go on regular hiatuses to catch up. Lame. So, we settled on half a page seven days a week. At 3.5 pages per week, you'll get a full volume faster, but it won't be so fast that we have to hit Scott any harder than we already do to keep up.

Hey. Let's talk about that Kickstarter. First, you guys have already destroyed a bunch of stretch goals.

You're getting heavier/gooder paper.

You're getting fancy end sheets and each volume is getting two extra SECRET FILES OF DR. DINOSAUR.

You're getting 100 copies donated to libraries (my favorite).

You're getting stickers and each volume is getting two more SECRET FILES OF DR. DINOSAUR.

Next up at $100k: super rad embossed covers and blueprint wallpapers for sci-fi crazy stuff from the pages of Atomic Robo.

Posted May 14, 2015 at 10:30 am

So, here we are.

The entire Atomic Robo back catalog is online for free. This week we've been uploading our first online debut, The Trial of Atomic Robo. Next week we're moving on to the first volume to debut online, Atomic Robo and the Ring of Fire.

To celebrate, we're bringing all nine volumes back into print. As hardcovers. And we're adding all-new bonus content to each of those volumes -- THE SECRET FILES OF DR. DINOSAUR!

Check out our Kickstarter campaign for all the details!



Posted May 11, 2015 at 10:05 am

We're uploading the rest of The Trial of Atomic Robo this week. You may have noticed we changed to one page per day. Hey, you couldn't have possibly expected us to keep delivering sixty-six full color pages per week.

Next week we'll start the first of four prologue mini-comics leading up to the newest storyline, Atomic Robo and the Ring of Fire.

We hope to have your continued support as we move into the next stage of sequential robot adventure art.

Posted May 8, 2015 at 12:20 pm

Hope you enjoyed Knights of the Golden Circle. I'd apologize for that cliffhanger, but naw.

Next week we'll finish up the second half of The Trial of Atomic Robo, our A Free Comic Book On A Day in 2015 special. But if you're impatient, you can always grab the whole thing at comiXology right now.

After that?

We'll release four all-new short stories. These will take us back to 2013, just after the events of The Savage Sword of Dr. Dinosaur, and help set the stage for our new storyline, The Ring of Fire. You guys have no idea how hard you want to read these pages. We can't wait to share them with you!

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