Posted April 27, 2022 at 09:17 am


Where’s yer Robos at?

They’re coming! Production has been chugging along all this time as if by magic! But mostly by Scott and DJ and Jeff. I just write these things. I’m not saying that’s the easiest part of the process but it’s the least hardest.

Anyway, it’s been a while, and we wanted to make sure you know new pages of Atomic Robo coming at you soon! I’m already writing the volume after this, and Scott and I are talking about the volume after that. Wheels are in motion!

Posted February 14, 2022 at 08:38 am

And we're back! Sorta!

We wanted to start off 2022 with a preview of what we were working on just before COVID derailed, uhhhh, every single plan we had for it. Oops?

LAST SENTINEL is Scott and Brian doing their take on a super sentai series. If I say any more than that it'll spoil the whole dang thing, so just sit back and check out this special prequel, Issue #0. We think you'll get a kick out of it.

We're hoping this is just one of the surprises we'll get to share with you folks this year. But we can talk about that stuff as it approaches. Meanwhile, please enjoy this preview of LAST SENTINEL and once that's over we'll shift gears over to ATOMIC ROBO AND THE AGENTS OF C.H.A.N.G.E.

Posted August 4, 2021 at 02:23 pm

Welcome to the Tesladyne Back to School 2021 sale at DFTBA!

Here's how it works. We've got batch of items on sale for like 50% off. They're broken down into two bundles. Click on any item in either bundle, scroll down a bit, and mash that button to add every item in the bundle to your cart. Or do it for both bundles, I won't stop ya! 


  • Tesladyne Field Guide
  • ULTRA Field Manual
  • Doctor Dinosaur's Time Travel Through the Back Door



Do it, do it, do it, do it!

Posted April 26, 2021 at 03:27 pm

You may remember a little webcomic by the name of 8-bit Theater that was all the rage back in the early 2000s.

Well, now thanks to Kickstarter, it's back! Kinda! And in print (do not sue)!

Check out the campaign. We've got digital rewards, two versions of this monster of a book, pins, prints, and more comin' at ya!

Posted March 15, 2021 at 01:22 pm

Hello and welcome to ATOMIC ROBO AND THE VENGEFUL DEAD! With a title like that you know everything will be totally normal and fine. We hope you enjoyed the Dawn of a New Zine interlude, but now that we're back on the main series that means we're on our usual update schedule, so you can expect a new page every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY!

And please welcome our new colorist, DJ Chavis! We're thrilled to be working with him and can't wait to see where he takes this volume as things start to go, uh, so completely normal over the course of this new series about a sci-fi boarding school.

But that's not all. We've updated the online store with approximately one million new items. If you missed the Kickstarter campaign for ATOMIC ROBO AND THE DAWN OF A NEW ERA then now is your chance to pick up them goodies!

First of all, you need this tote bag. Even if you don't need a tote bag, you need this tote bag.

We loved the logo Scott whipped up for this thing so much we made it into its very own FOOOD Sticker!

There's also a whole sticker sheet go go along with it!

And our assortment of prints based on the original issue covers by Scott Wegener.

Last, but certainly not least, is the star of the show, the hardcover edition of ATOMIC ROBO AND THE DAWN OF A NEW ERA itself.

Posted February 23, 2021 at 11:02 am

You've got less than one week to score the amazing deals on nine volumes of ATOMIC ROBO and REAL SCIENCE ADVENTURES, three different Field Guides, and both Roleplaying Game books from Bundle of Holding!

Posted February 16, 2021 at 09:17 am

Hello, faithful Robo Readers! We're back! As promised! No more exclamation points nnnnnnow! We're starting with the last of the Dawn of a New Zine comics before moving into our all new volume, ATOMIC ROBO AND THE VENGEFUL DEAD. Stay tuned.

And while we've got yer attention, we wanted to let you know there's a fantastic deal on digital editions of nine volumes of ATOMIC ROBO and both RPG books over at Bundle of Holding. Not only are you getting a huge discount on all that Robo-y goodness, but a portion of every sale will go to Direct Relief which sends protective gear and critical care medications to health workers in the U.S. and Canada.

Posted January 8, 2021 at 08:38 am

Hope everyone enjoyed the extended preview of ARISE, YE SKELETON KING! If you missed it, like a ding danged fool, you can check it out starting right over here. We'll have the print edition of the whole first chapter ready for you later this year. If you missed the original campaign then just stay tuned to this space and we'll let you know when you can grab a copy for yourself!

Meanwhile we're taking a short break to beef up our production buffer. And when we return we're gonna start throwing more ATOMIC ROBO content right into your faces! About 90% of this will consist of the all-new story, ATOMIC ROBO AND THE VENGEFUL DEAD.

Thank you, as always, for your support. It's a ridiculous miracle that we're allowed to make comics all day and it's thanks to readers like you.

Posted November 13, 2020 at 09:55 am

We’re running a sale on select items all month INCLUDING ALL ATOMIC ROBO AND REAL SCIENCE ADVENTURE HARDCOVERS but that’s not all!

We just got word that DFTBA is offering free shipping for orders $75 or more between November 13th (that’s todaaaay) and November 16th! Don't just sit there, stock up on your Atomic Robo Goodies!

We put Doctor Dinosaur in charge of the sale and here’s what he came up with.

Okay, why do we keep putting him in charge of the sales?

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