Posted September 29, 2020 at 10:00 am

Do not be alarmed.

ATOMIC ROBO will return.

But for right now we're running a preview of the new creator owned series by Lee Black and Brian Clevinger with Escher Cattle and Tess Stone. We figured you folks would be interested in it since Lee edits ATOMIC ROBO and Brian writes it. Lee and Brian wanted to collaborate on another story ever since they wrote The Avengers and the Infinity Gauntlet for Marvel, and ARISE, YE SKELETON KING is it! Escher does the art, Tess does the letters, and the end result looks pretty danged great!

It's a story about a found family of absolute garbage protagonists trying to get by without all the headaches that come from honest work. But things don't always go as planned and, y'know, sometimes they get run out of town by an angry mob ahead of schedule. 

But, as they say, success is stumbling from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. Our crew of petty crooks soon works up a new scam that looks like the opportunity of a lifetime but, well, what happens next is the rest of our story.

We're running a Kickstarter campaign to produce a print edition of the first 48-page chapter/issue. Of course you can also get digital rewards, prints, stickers, original art, behind-the-scenes dev blog, you know the drill.

Check out the video, peruse our adorable trash fire cast, and strap yourself in for scams gone terribly wrong.

Posted May 19, 2020 at 11:24 am

Well, as you may have figured out if you have not been in a coma for the last few months there is something of a global pandemic swirling around the planet and it seems highly unlikely that there will be any comic book conventions for 2020.

Since we can't attend a TCAF that isn't happening, we figured we could bring a little TCAF to all of you. It works like this: check out our online store and get 10% off EVERYTHING with the coupon code TCAF2020 at checkout.

Posted April 7, 2020 at 12:48 pm

Well, we went and done it.

We launched our latest Kickstarter campaign. This time we're making the hardcover edition of Atomic Robo and the Dawn of a New Era.

Check it out!

We've got the usual goodies like The Secret Files of Doctor Dinosaur, original pages and cover art, a print set, and more. And don't forget our very first officially licensed tote bag for what appears to be Doctor Dinosaur's personal health food brand? We don't like to ask him questions, it just leads to more gunfire.

At the very least treat yourself to the video. It's our most ambitious one to date and features a couple kinds of zoom!

Posted March 27, 2020 at 10:38 am

Things are chugging along behind the scenes and will continue to do so pending any sudden health emergencies. Everyone on Team Robo has been working from home since things started getting weird and so far no one has any symptoms.

You might have heard that your local shops won't be getting new comics for a while. That's a bit of a kick in the ol' finances. Especially after we had to cancel our major convention appearances for Spring and early Summer. Lots of industry folks are planning like conventions will back by late Summer, but that's wishful thinking. The venue for the biggest show of the back half of the year is being converted into a hospital right now. And I just don't see how we're going to justify allowing a convention's worth of people to travel from all over the country so they can mingle in one place for a weekend given the risks associated with, uh, every step of doing that. Not until somewhere in 2021 at least.

With the lack of convention sales and the Direct Market income for the rest of the year, independent creators need your support more than ever. You can help Atomic Robo by grabbing comiXology editions, or backing this year's Kickstarters, or joining our Patreon, or just adding to your ad blocker's whitelist. Every little bit helps! You can pick up something from our online shop but there will be no shipments until April 10th at the earliest due to, y'know, state mandated shutdowns.

Hey, how about some good news?

We spent most of 2019 working on an all new creator owned property and it's our hope to share that with you later this year. That's also why we've been posting these cute "zine" style comics. We wanted to do something like them for years, but they never fit into our production schedule until now. And, bonus points, doing these lets us get to know Alan and the New Kids better before we throw them into our next crazy sci-fi adventure, Atomic Robo and the Vengeful Dead. The whole volume is already written, we're currently outlining the one after that, and planning the one after that. So, like I said, we're chugging along.

It is my hope that the urgency of this pandemic reveals the need for radical action to solve the monumental global scale problems our civilization has created. We must think of the COVID-19 response as a preview of what will be required by all of us to confront the ongoing climate catastrophe. We are already seeing proof that a radical rearrangement of human activities and priorities to solve monumental problems is possible. What we do today with empathy, imagination, and bravery to save millions of lives will be the foundation of what we do tomorrow to save billions of them.

Stay safe.

Posted March 10, 2020 at 08:46 am

As you may have heard Emerald City Comic Con 2020 was postponed until Summer. It wasn't easy for convention staff to make this decision — they know that for many indie creators our entire Second Quarter financial plan every year is just ECCC written in a notebook and circled a bunch — but it was the right decision to make and all of us at Atomic Robo are glad they made it. We all need to be doing whatever we can to help slow the spread of COVID-19 to help our health care infrastructure to cope with this influx of new patients.

So, while the convention is canceled, we can bring convention sales to you! It's simple, just use coupon code ECCC2020 to get 10% off every single item at our online store for the week.

Posted February 25, 2020 at 08:14 am


Hey, you.

Do you live within the vicinity of Richmond VA? Then you should come out to the Richmond Convention Center this weekend, February 28 - March 1 to see Scott and Brian at GalaxyCon! 

We'll have hardcovers, and T-shirts, and all kinds of goodies for sale. Come on by and see for yourself why so many folks describe us as, "not entirely ugly," and, "I've seen dumber."

Posted January 28, 2020 at 09:00 am

Hope you folks had a good winter break with friends and family while we toiled away on new material for you.

I mean, yeah, we also had a good time with friends and family, but what's the point of serving up free comics all year if we can't pointlessly guilt trip you every so often for enjoying them?

We're gonna be running these "zine" style comics for a while. Partly this is to help us build up a content buffer so we work on our next volume, Atomic Robo and the Vengeful Dead. But the other partly is that it lets us explore how Alan fits into the Tesladyne family and to spend some more time hanging out with the cast and crew without having to worry about racing around to deal with the ticking time bomb of an ACTION SCIENCE CATASTROPHE. That's what The Vengeful Dead is for!

Meanwhile, we just restructured our Patreon, so if you're looking for more early access to online comics, insight into our creative process, and exclusive bonus material, then swing on by!

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