Atomic Robo and the Spectre of Tomorrow #1 is now available for pre-order at your favorite local or online shop. It will be published in October so by the time it comes out you’ll have read a couple issues for free via our electric website machine.
Do you want your letters to appear in the print issue? Just send them on over to and we can make it happen through an alchemical process best left undisclosed for safety reasons.
A super fun and cool way to support Atomic Robo is to buy the issues in print (locally or online) or digitally. Or maybe grab the trade paperback or hardcover collections to decorate your bookshelves. Or show your support directly by joining our Patreon and in return you'll get all kinds of bonus stuff like early access and behind-the-scenes goodies.

Remember those carefree days when the world was only imperiled by things like giant mutants from the sea or the occasional mad scientist dinosaur? Now it's 2017 and everything's horrible all the time! But that's why Atomic Robo is setting up the new Tesladyne Institute in the badlands of New Mexico's Jornada del Muerto desert with Sir Richard Branson's Spaceport on one side and Elon Musk's Solar Farm on the other. With neighbors like these, who needs to uncover an insidious plot that threatens the lives of everyone in the world?
The Diamond Order Code is AUG170529. That can be handy when ordering it from a local shop just so they don’t have to track it down themselves.