Posted September 4, 2017 at 12:22 pm

You may have noticed today's page is black and white.

If you didn't, uh, see a doctor.

Long story short: we screwed up. If you want to ge specific I screwed up but let's not get bogged down in pointless details, hmmmm? We had a choice to toss a million pages at Anthony with an impossible deadline to color them or to put a hold on uploading pages for a while. These were dumb choices. So we figured, what the heck, let's just upload the pages without colors and that way you guys still get content without killing anyone behind the scenes. Win-win! 

We'll replace these with color versions when they're ready. Meanwhile! You can pre-order both the first and second issues of Atomic Robo and the Spectre of Tomorrow. Head to your local comic shop or grab 'em from your favorite online store. As usual comiXology versions will be available day and date with the print versions. Same for Real Science Adventures!


As usual, if you'd like to support Atomic Robo by throwing money at us but you aren't into owning individual issues, you can always check out our online store. Or show your support directly by joining our Patreon and in return you'll get all kinds of bonus stuff like early access and behind-the-scenes goodies.

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