Supersonic Jets Are Back! Maybe!
The Whales are Organizing. And, I mean, who can blame them? With luck they are summoning a dread lord of the deep, sea or space, don’t care which, to bring the end of all things.
The one and only time you could doubt climate change. It was the first time we’d done a big ol’ survey of worldwide climate data. And even then warming trend was obvious. But, hey, it’s the first time this sort of thing was done. The prudent course of action at that stage is to note the irregularity, but not to panic about it yet, and to keep an eye on climate data going forward to see if it was a blip or a problem. Spoiler alert: fifty years of climate surveys have confirmed it’s a catastrophic problem.
Juice Jacking. Not, strictly speaking, new, but worth keeping in mind for those of us who spend too much time in airports.